Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hey kids, they don't make history like they used to.

Welcome to our blog. This is our space to tear our teeth into all the horribly incorrect things that you learn from the "History"* Channel or National Geographic or Discovery Channel. Welll, less the other two than the former. Cause they often get it wrong.

Your experts are two bachelor degree-wielding historians separated by a border but united by a common enemy: disinformation. Phil's an ancient civ expert, and I'm an expert on Latin America and American Revolution. And uh, Canadian history, but that's never on TV.** So sit back, help us critique, and point out where we got stuff wrong, but submit your work, cause otherwise we'll just laugh. And tell you you're wrong.+

*With shows like Pawn Stars, Ax Men, and all those other reality shows, they're not really doing much History anymore. SO I will refer to that channel with air quotes.

**Yes, it's a small niche, and you'll say there's nothing there but it truly is interesting, I swear. If you don't stop laughing I'll start talking about Quebec separatism movements.

+The Canadians DID NOT burn down the White House during the War of 1812. Maybe one or two were in the crack British regiment, but they only did so as part of the British Empire. Suck it, Canada ;)


  1. On the + point: SEMANTIC SHENANIGANS, Ehjay. Agreed that the soldiers who were there that day were from the other side of the pond, but at the time, we were all one and the same.

    I'm still with the Arrogant Worms on this one.

  2. On the ** point: I agree, and you can talk about Québec with me!!

  3. Julie, I know it's semantic shenanigans but it's not the Arrogant Worms who did the song.
